'Everyone enjoys the type of work they are most suitable for'
read more'Everyone enjoys the type of work they are most suitable for'
IMG’s human touch ensures the best custom-made service you can get
For companies that need human resources as well as for professionals looking for a challenging job, IMG is always looking for the most appropriate solution for a specific situation.
The right person for the vacant job
For you as a client this means that we thoroughly (want to) know your business, your organization, your teams and always have a detailed look into your request. Our very careful, critical selection process guarantees that we find the most suitable professional for you. Because we have in-depth knowledge of your business you can count on our pro-active approach with (un)asked advice.
The best guarantee on a job that makes you happy
For you as a specialist we look at the best possible match for a job that makes you happy, on basis of your knowledge and experience and your personal ambitions. We always have a wide range of possibilities, in various companies, with jobs at different levels and for exciting projects. In line with your competences and ambitions, we find an organization and a project where you will enjoy working.
And at IMG we treat you as a family member. This especially means that we continuously try to find an appropriate work and personal balance. Working hard, sometimes long days, is just part of our profession. But your personal well-being will also get the necessary attention.
We would like to clarify the possibilities and benefits of working with IMG in a personal meeting
Please feel free to contact us for a free consultation. You can use the contact form of this website, call us on +31 (0)186 684 070 or email us at office@img-group.nl
IMG - excelling in human touch

"At IMG, the pursuit of improvement in overall quality and the human touch is an ongoing ambition.
Financial Controller